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Living life guided by the truth, whatever it may turn out to be

OK, I say this is about "discovering, propagating, recognizing and living life guided by the truth, whatever it may turn out to be". Is that maybe too much?  Let's go through the parts though not strictly in order.

  • "Whatever it may turn out to be": Without that caveat, any plea for the importance of "truth" suggests, at least to me that the speaker wants everyone to believe in some particular truth that he or she knows.  When I considered starting a blog called "The Truth Project", I discovered right away the phrase was used by the "truthers" who believe the Bush government faked 9/11, killing thousands of innocent Americans just to have a pretext for starting a war.  And also by an offshoot of the Christian conservative organization "Focus on the Family".
  • "Living life guided by the truth" needs to be the point.  This isn't an academic inquiry.  I respect academic inquirers, but am frankly trying to bring about change.  My odds may be no better than that of a lottery ticket buyer, but that's what I'm aiming at.  Hopefully I'm not too much driven by self-importance, and if I find someone making much more progress than I have, then I hope I have to humility to recognize it and start working for their project.
  • "Discovering" is at the heart of intellectual life.  The pure drive to discover new knowledge is the main thing that makes people into scientists.
  • "Propagating" is spreading something far and wide so that it will be of the greatest possible benefit.  Salesmanship or evangelism may play a role, but  the objective in this particular enterprise is a transformation of humanity so that people's own thinking processes will take over.  People should become jealous of their mental independence, which should lead to some wariness towards the flashy and that which is getting to us by way of our emotions.
  • "Recognizing" is role most people have to play most of the time with regard to truth.  Even if I discover some things on my own, for every one of these, I will need to use a thousand things I didn't discover on my own in order to get through life.  We can never have time even to have a real personal knowledge of most things that we learn and use, and -- this may be the most controversial thing I have to say -- to succeed at building a sound body of truths, we depend, something like 99% of the time, on our ability to distinguish good sources from bad.

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